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Sustainable urban design: Monkton Heathfield 'garden town'


As part of the drive to stimulate new house construction, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has identified 28 'garden communities'. Garden communities can take the form of new villages, towns or cities and have the potential to deliver well designed homes at an increased scale, boosting the local economy and creating new jobs.

Taunton is a designated 'garden town, a development of more than 10,000 homes. The new development is focused on Monkton Heathfield to the northwest of Taunton.


Create Streets, a world class social enterprise and design consultancy, has been commissioned to study a recently published Concept Plan. Their report is available here as a download (see below).

Create Streets' goal is  ‘to help neighbourhoods, communities, landowners, councils and developers create and manage beautiful places of gentle density that will be popular and are likely to be correlated with good well-being and public health’.


Read the full report by downloading the pdf below.


Also available as a download is a summary brochure focusing on urban design, 'Designing popular places'.


About the Author

Create Streets
Urban design consultancy

Create Streets exists to help solve the housing crisis and to help neighbourhood, communities, landowners, councils and developers create and manage beautiful, sustainable places of gentle density that will be popular, are likely to be correlated with good wellbeing and public health outcomes.


Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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