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Protecting peatlands and carbon-rich soils


This report provides guidance for Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Partnerships on peatland protection and restoration, describing the availability of mapped data to determine extent and type of peatland, the provision of information to determine the reduction in emissions from restoration projects, explanation of associated ecosystem service benefits and, examples of business models.

The report is not intended to provide exhaustive detail on each aspect but instead aims to highlight some key general points and provide useful sources of information. It is a useful document for A level students studying the carbon cycle.

This report has been written under Workstream LT of the Interreg North West Europe project ‘Carbon Connects’ (NWE 615) with the support of ‘The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund’.

Click the icon below to download the full report.

About the Author

This report has been written under Workstream LT of the Interreg North West Europe project ‘Carbon Connects’ (NWE 615) with the support of ‘The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund’.


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