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New free geography videos and resources on Iceland hazards from Discover the World Education

Discover the World Education have expanded their range of free online videos, presentations and resources for geography teachers and students.

Recent topical resources include Iceland Erupts, featuring the current Reykjanes eruption and how Icelanders are responding and adapting. Iceland Erupts - YouTube

Iceland Erupts is the sequel to Iceland Awakes which looks at how Icelanders are managing the ongoing hazards of earthquakes and volcanoes in the Reykjanes area. Education Webinars (

Other videos and presentations on this website include The Challenge of Natural Hazards – Climate Change, The Challenge of Living with Natural Hazards, and a case study of the Solheimajokull Glacier in Iceland.

You can also view virtual school trips to Mallorca and Norway and learn about sustainable development in an award winning  school in Costa Rica.

Other Iceland presentations include Tourism Management, Eyjafjallajökull and its Impacts 10 years on, and Managing energy resources.

Lava flow in Iceland 2021. Discover-the-World Education

The Discover the World website also features a wide variety of Blogs covering different aspects of geography. Jo Coles blog on Volcanic Activity on the Reykjanes peninsula published on 20 March 2021 provides a wide-ranging overview, and links to other free resources on the site, including Lavas of Iceland, and earthquake preparation guidance. Also provided is a comprehensive list of links to other relevant websites.

Iceland Erupts; Volcanic Activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula | Discover Education Blog (

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