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Keep up-to-date and don’t miss out on some freebies! (Primary Humanities Network meeting – Term 6)

Just a handful of the ‘concluding comments‘ from attendees at our last virtual Primary Humanities Network meeting:

‘In depth; discussion; informative; resources; supportive.’
‘Useful; up-to-date; informative; lots to read and take on board!’
Really useful; lots to explore!  Stress levels reduced – thank you!’
‘Fascinating; informative; engaging; excellent; worthwhile.’
‘Thank you so much for the session today.  So helpful.’
‘So many great resources and ideas.’
‘Lots of brilliant websites and books which will link well to topics.’
‘Thorough, thought provoking, enriching; a calm end to the week with lots to ponder for the bank holiday weekend!’
‘So good to have some time to talk to others and look at all the good ideas.’
‘Rich in relevant resources; always informative; supportive to Subject Leaders and inspiring to all.’
‘So much to think about and get our teeth into.  Can’t wait to start.  (Already emailed KS1 & EYFS & you haven’t even finished yet!)’


Our next meeting will focus on the latest developments in educationshowcase a number of new websites/web-links and resources, many of which are FREE, as well as explore the following question: ‘What makes outstanding geography and history in the eyes of Ofsted and how can this be achieved?’.

The meeting will be held virtually on Friday 18th June 2021, from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm.

The charge will be just £25.00 and you will receive a recording of the event, as well as a copy of the accompanying MS PowerPoint presentation.  Should you be unable to attend the ‘live’ session, then you may wish to pay the fee and have access to a recording of the session, a copy of the chat feed, all the accompanying materials and the subsequent detailed blog post report to peruse at your leisure; feel free to ‘fire’ any questions at me via e-mail afterwards too.

I will lead the session via Zoom and send you an invitation with a password to insert prior to entering the meeting.

As I have invested in a subscription to Zoom, I have access to the extra controls to ensure that it is as safe and secure as possible.  This is a platform that is used by a huge number of businesses and organisations (some of you may well be very familiar with Zoom already).

Do let me know if you wish to attend or receive a copy of the recording and accompanying materials by Friday 11th June 2021 (e-mail:

Try and relax and recharge your batteries over the half-term break!

About the Author

Emma Espley


Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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