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Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

The monthly Geography Southwest newsbites provides a summary of events, new resources and short news items. Detailed articles give more detail news stories relevant to teachers of geography in the region.

New free nature connection programme for schools



Written by John Davidson | Posted on 28th June 2021

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) new Generation Wild programme will connect 45,000 children and their families with nature. It includes FREE school visits (including free transport), FREE visits for families and a specially designed website to encourage continued nature-connection activity at school, at home and in local greenspaces. The…

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Connecting the Culm. Online events in June and July



Written by John Davidson | Posted on 28th June 2021

The Connecting the Culm project has run a series of free online events this Spring and Summer of interest to teachers and students. The next event is a free online talk Understanding Soils of the Culm on Wednesday 14 July. The talk will look at what makes a healthy soil, the…

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Geographical Association Conference 2021 resources



Written by John Davidson | Posted on 11th May 2021
Coastal erosion

The Geographical Association Conference 2021 was held online in April. Many of the presentations from the programme and supporting materials can now be viewed and downloaded on the GA website. The conference included the public lecture 20 Years, 95 miles, 185 Million Years: A Celebration of the Jurassic Coast  delivered…

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Jurassic Coast spectacular landslide



Written by John Davidson | Posted on 9th May 2021

Image credit:  Landslide near Seatown in Dorset, April 2021. © James Loveridge   On Tuesday 15 April, a major landslide event occurred on the Jurassic Coast cliffs between Seatown and Eype. Around 300 metres of cliff, weighing an estimated 4000 tonnes, collapsed into the sea, the largest landslide in this…

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Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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