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Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

The monthly Geography Southwest newsbites provides a summary of events, new resources and short news items. Detailed articles give more detail news stories relevant to teachers of geography in the region.

Geography in Outer Space



Written by Guest | Posted on 27th January 2022

Image credit: [] In the February 2022 Guest Blog, Dan Hall from the School of Geography, University of Oxford, looked at the Geography of Outer Space.        Should Geographers care about outer space? The Greek roots of the name Geography suggests our focus should be on firm ground –…

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Geography Southwest Newsbites – January 2022



Written by John Davidson | Posted on 4th January 2022

Welcome to 2022, and welcome to our new Geography SouthWest Newsbites. Every month we will feature a summary of topical news items, events, presentations and courses, with links to websites where you can find more information. Do let us know if you have any items to feature in next month’s…

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Creating garden ecosystems in Wellington



Written by Guest | Posted on 20th December 2021

In December 2021, Anita Roy looked at Transition Town Wellington, and how to make gardens and wildlife areas in towns more sustainable both now and in the future.       First, you plant a seed. Sometimes, with a bit of luck and a bit of time, that seed sprouts. With…

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Jurassic Coast World Heritage site celebrates 20 years



Written by John Davidson | Posted on 20th December 2021

The Jurassic Coast is celebrating twenty years since it was inscribed on the list of World Heritage sites in December 2001. The Jurassic Coast stretches for 96 miles (154 km) from Exmouth in Devon to Studland Bay in Dorset. Its geology spans 200 million years from the dry arid sandstone…

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Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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