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New free nature connection programme for schools

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) new Generation Wild programme will connect 45,000 children and their families with nature. It includes FREE school visits (including free transport), FREE visits for families and a specially designed website to encourage continued nature-connection activity at school, at home and in local greenspaces. The programme is now open to eligible schools, with places offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Eligibility criteria (based on % of pupils eligible for free school meals) vary across centres so please visit the Generation Wild website to find your nearest centre and see if your school qualifies.


The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust is the UK’s leading wetland conservation charity and through outdoor learning, aims to bring the curriculum to life whilst connecting young people with nature.

Children from disadvantaged communities often have fewer opportunities to connect with nature. Through Generation Wild, the WWT will work with schools, children and families in disadvantaged communities to inspire the next generation of nature lovers.

All of the activities in Generation Wild are designed to connect people with nature through five pathways: senses, emotion, compassion, meaning and beauty. Nature connection is enhanced through arts based activities such as storytelling.

Activities and resources for eligible schools include:

  • free school visit for your class (suitable for ages 5-11) to one of the WWT wetland centres (including free transport)
  • free family visit for every child in your class and their family
  • School and family access to a website containing nature-connection activities for every season
  • Curriculum resource packs with activities linking to the project
  • Specially-designed certificates and badges for the children
  • A chance to win the construction of a mini-wetland in your school grounds

Do contact WWT to see if your school qualifies.

The WWT website has a variety of resources and news items relevant to teaching about nature, climate change impacts and habitat conservation.

News and stories | WWT

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