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New flood defences at Exmouth

Work on protecting shoreline from storms and floods


A new government-funded £ 12 million flood defence scheme is being built to protect Exmouth, Devon. Over 1,400 houses and 400 commercial properties are at risk from floods caused by high tides and storms.  The new tidal defences will help protect over 1,400 residential and 400 commercial properties from floods.

The need for improved defences was identified in 2015 through analysis of various causes of flooding both today and in the future. In 2019, there was a 1-in-25-year flood risk of flooding, meaning that there was a 4% chance of flooding in any year. The new scheme aims to reduce this to a 1-in-200-year flood risk with a 0.5% chance of floods in any year. The scheme takes account of sea level rise and climate change and will mean that further measures will not be needed for 25 years.

The scheme is in three parts. Along the Exe estuary to the west of the town centre, a new timber-clad sheet pile sea wall is being built. There will be new earth banks and elevated footpaths with landscaping to enhance the look of the shoreline. Behind the coastal sea wall on the landward side of the Esplanade road, a new setback seal wall is being built to hold back floodwater caused by high tides and storm waves. This wall includes moveable flood gates across roads and access points. The existing sea wall is also being strengthened. In the Campertown residential area and around the Marina, existing gabions will be repaired, flood banks raised, and a new timber clad sea wall built to prevent water reaching properties at risk. Flood gates will be installed at the access points to the shore.

The Environment Agency has developed the scheme working with East Devon District Council who are contributing to the cost. This website provides more details of the scheme.

You can see a high-quality annotated CGI animation of the new defences on the DevonLive website:

A follow up to this story will be posted when the scheme is completed in 2021.

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