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New cycle routes encourage more sustainable travel

Across the South West, new cycle routes now encourage more people to travel by bike. These initiatives are a response to the COVID19 pandemic to make cycling safer and promote social distancing.

Roads have been closed to cars to make cycling safer in busy parts of towns used by people travelling to work. Wider cycle lanes have been created along certain roads, sometimes by restricting cars to one direction only.

Additional cycle routes have been created for those adults and children using bikes for exercise and leisure. Several new routes have been linked to the national cycle network with appropriate signage. In Exeter road closures, wider cycle lanes and pavements, and more parking spaces for bikes have been set up around the RD and E Hospital, in the city centre and on a route from the eastern suburbs of Whipton and Monkerton to the town centre.

The pandemic has speeded up the creation of some planned cycle lanes. Attention has been focussed on the developing of more sustainable transport strategies in urban areas with new thinking about the place of cycling and walking in the urban environment. Local authorities are seeking feedback on which temporary schemes could be made more permanent, and where new routes could be developed at a time when many more people are looking at cycling or walking as a way of getting to work, school or shops. Government financial support may be forthcoming to help fund more traffic free routes across towns and cities. Find out what is happening in your local town, and what people think about more opportunities for the use of cycles and restrictions on use of cars.

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