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2021 RGS Young Geographer of the Year competition-Remapping our lives

The RGS 2021 Young Geographer of the Year competition challenges children to create an annotated map which reveals how their lives have been shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. The deadline for submission of entries is Thursday 22 July 2021 at 5.00pm.

KS2, KS3 and KS4 students will produce an A3 size entry. This can be handmade (then sent in electronically via a scanned copy or photograph) or using PowerPoint, Word, Publisher or PDF, etc.  KS5 students will produce an Esri Story Map containing no more than 1,500 words.

The judges are interested in seeing maps which illustrate and describe:

  • Which local human and physical features children and their family used during the pandemic
  • Why some places were especially important to young people
  • The places children couldn’t visit and why
  • If the pandemic has led to children experiencing any new places in their local area
  • How the pandemic changed their geographical understanding of their local area
  • Any links which ‘stretch’ their maps to other places which were also important to them during the pandemic.

The competition has four categories.

  • Key Stage 2 (pupils aged 7-11)
  • Key Stage 3 (pupils aged 11-14)
  • Key Stage 4 or GCSE (pupils aged 14-16)
  • Key Stage 5 or A Level (pupils aged 16-18)

Students should enter the Key Stage category they will be in on 30 June 2021.

All entries must be submitted electronically. The deadline for receipt of all entries is Thursday 22 July 2021 at 5.00pm

Full details can be found on the RGS website here:

Royal Geographical Society - 2021 competition - Young Geographer of the Year (

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