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Geography Southwest Newsbites April 2023

Spring is here!. The summer term brings not only the GCSE and A level exam season, but also opportunities to attend CPD courses and get outside the classroom for fieldwork.

The Geography Southwest Conference 2023 is on Monday 26 June 2023 at the University of the West of England. Registration opened on 1st April

Find out more about the programme at Places are FREE but limited. Please spread the word! We look forward to seeing you there!

Are you working on your NEAs or planning next years? Do look at the 2023 pdf by Steve Durman on our Fieldwork NEA page for ideas and inspiration.

Do also look at our latest Primary Newsbites for ideas and resources for Early Years and KS 1 and 2.


Geography events

The Royal Geographical Society (RGS) programme of talks and events for teachers can be found on their website: Royal Geographical Society - Browse our events (

Here is a selection of the RGS events in April, May and June. Note that booking is essential for some events, and payment of course fees where required.

Digimaps for Schools – a quick guide to overlays: Tuesday 16 May, 4.00pm-4.30pm, online, free - Royal Geographical Society - Digimap for Schools: A quick guide to Overlays (

Digimaps for Schools – a quick guide for fieldwork: Wednesday 7 June, 4.00pm-4.30pm, online, free. Royal Geographical Society - Digimap for Schools: A quick guide to Fieldwork (

GIS CPD: RGS workshops led by ESRI UK will use ArcGIS to provide CPD on GIS at events throughout the summer and autumn terms.

GIS for fieldwork and the NEA – Thursday 27 April, 10.00am-4.00pm, London

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online – Wednesday 14 June, 10.00am-4.00pm, London

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online at Manchester Metropolitan University Tuesday 23 May, 10.00am-4.00pm, Manchester

GIS for fieldwork and the NEA at Edge Hill University – Tuesday 27 June, 10.00am-4.00pm Liverpool

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online at York St John University -
Tuesday 3 October, 10.00am-4.00pm, York

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online at Newcastle University -
Wednesday 25 October, 10.00am-4.00pm, Newcastle

Further regional events are planned in the autumn term 2023


Geographical Association events: The GA’s National Fieldwork Fortnight will be from Monday 26 June to Friday 7 July with the theme ‘Environment’. Further information, ideas, resources and details of how to join in are on the website. National Fieldwork Fortnight - Geographical Association (

The Royal Meteorological Society is running an online Weather and Climate Careers Day on Saturday 17 June 2023, from 11:00 - 15:00 aimed at GCSE and A level students.

RMetS Careers Day: Interested in a Career in Weather and Climate? | Royal Meteorological Society


Fascinated by GIS? Consider attending the ESRI annual conference on Tuesday 16 May. Registration is now open.  Registration - Esri UK Annual Conference | 16 May 2023


Geography resources

The Geographical Association has a new website, which includes a wide range of articles, resources and teaching ideas. Many are free, while others accessed by members of the GA. There is a series of free articles on floods which are suitable for GCSE, including relevant case studies.Online Teaching Resources - Geographical Association (


Have a look at GEO.  GEO stands for Geography Education Online and is an innovative websites created by the Geographical Association for students studying GCSE, A level and equivalent qualifications.Human geography | Geography Education Online

It is specifically designed to support students working independently providing new and engaging ways to extend their geographical thinking. The free resources include academic lectures, and interactive materials for GCSE and A level. The site will support teachers who can also log in to a Teacher Area. GEO was made possible by a grant from Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency. Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation. For more information visit Innovate UK provided funding for a wide range of new ideas to help overcome the disruption caused globally by COVID-19, including the disruption caused to geography education.


Climate change: Have a look at the latest article on the climate change page of the website from the InterClimate Network about engaging young people in climate change issues and informing secondary schools’ climate action.


The National Oceanography Centre’s website has a new article on the link between rising ocean temperatures and rainfall from hurricanes. The report will help forecast hurricane hazards in the future.New research set to improve vital hurricane forecasts | National Oceanography Centre (


Coastal Management: Gov.UK has provided an update on flood defence work at Bude in North Cornwall which is now underway. Bude: improving flood defences and habitats - GOV.UK (


Rivers and Flooding: Do you study the River Tees or York as case studies? Recent reports on Gov.UK are worth looking at.

Environment Agency installs £1m of flood protection measures to better protect properties in York - GOV.UK ( reports on new flood defences protecting 100 properties in flood risk areas in the city.

Yarm Flood Alleviation Scheme - Environment Agency - Citizen Space ( reports on the public consultation on new flood gates at Yarm on the River Tees, and includes a summary of existing flood alleviation measures.


Fieldwork equipment: Are you looking to add to your stock of fieldwork equipment. The Natural History Book Service (NHBS) have a range of items and books which are worth a look. NHBS - Wildlife, Ecology & Conservation


Geography News: 

Poole Harbour Oil Spill, March 2023.

The Wytch Farm onshore oil field is located on the west side of Poole Harbour in Dorset. Poole harbour has a designated  5000 acres SSSI and is an important ecological site for estuary wildlife, It includes Brownsea Island, an internationally important wetland and marine conservation zone. On Sunday 26 March, 2023, a pipeline from the oil field leaked around 200 barrels  into Poole Harbour at Ower Bay. A full clean-up operation was launched. The extent of the damage is not yet known, but there are risks to seabirds, shellfish, seahorses and migrating fish such as salmon. The public were warned not to use the area of Poole Harbour for swimming or recreation until the clean-up operation was complete. Wytch Farm produces around 14000 barrels of oil equivalent every day. An enquiry has been launched to find the cause of the leak.

Poole Harbour oil spill: Shellfish sales warning issued - BBC News


Storm Noa – 12 April 2023

An intense low pressure system brought winds of over 70 mph to much of southern England with gusts of 96 mph recorded in the Isle of Wight, on Wednesday 12 April. The storm resulted in disruption to road and rail travel by fallen trees and high waves threatened the coast from Cornwall to Sussex. Local flooding affected several areas and sea fronts were swamped by breaking waves. Power lines were brought down in some areas in Devon and Cornwall resulting in power cuts on Wednesday and Thursday. The Met Office produced weather warnings and fortunately, there were few injuries.

Storm Noa to hit the UK with 70 mph gusts predicted | ITV News West Country

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