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Geography Southwest Newsbites March 2023

Welcome to our March Newsbites. With Easter approaching there are several events to look out for in April, May and June and new resources to support teaching appearing on websites and being published. See below for details.

If you teach Early Years or Key Stages 1 or 2, have a look at our Primary Newsbites. The latest post can be found here 

Looking for a challenge at the end of term? There is still time to take part in the Great Britain Spring Clean, which runs until 2 April. Organised by Keep Britain Tidy, it aims to clear areas of litter, for example around school grounds. Great British Spring Clean | Keep Britain Tidy

Geography events

Geography Southwest Conference 2023 is on Monday 26 June 2023 at UWE, run by Geography Southwest in association with the RGS-IBG and the University of the West of England. The programme for this free in-person conference will include four lectures and two workshops from a choice of seven. Details of how to book your place can be found here.

The Network for Environmental Educators in Devon (NEED) are hosting a free day conference on the Tuesday 4th April at Kingsley School, near Bideford. The day is being hosted by NEED in collaboration with Skern Lodge, Kingsley School and Northam Burrows Country Park. This event is aimed at all environmental education practitioners and will include the opportunity in the afternoon to visit Skern Lodge and Northam Burrows. NEED Spring Connect Event Tickets, Tue 4 Apr 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

The Royal Geographical Society (RGS) programme of talks and events for teachers can be found on their website:   Royal Geographical Society - Browse our events (

Here is a selection of the RGS events from the end of March to May. Note that booking is essential for some events, and payment of course fees where required.

 Monday 27 March 2023, 1700: On-line course on ideas for fieldwork in and around the school grounds. Royal Geographical Society - Go local: Great ideas for fieldwork in and around your school grounds (


Tuesday 28 March: 0930-1230, London. Geography for All: Student Engagement Day. School students in KS4 and KS5 from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups and/or low-income backgrounds are invited to join the RGS at the Society in London for an interactive, half-day event. The day will include a talk on diversity in geography, an overview of the Society and our Collections, and a lecture from Ayona Datta, Professor of Human Geography at University College London. There will also be opportunities for students to hear from current undergraduate geography students and to ask Professor Datta their questions, as well as the chance to win a prize. Royal Geographical Society - Geography for All: student engagement day (

GIS CPD: RGS workshops led by ESRI UK will use ArcGIS to provide CPD on GIS at events throughout the summer and autumn terms.

GIS for fieldwork and the NEA – Thursday 27 April, 10.00am-4.00pm, London

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online – Wednesday 14 June, 10.00am-4.00pm, London.

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online at Manchester Metropolitan University Tuesday 23 May, 10.00am-4.00pm, Manchester.

GIS for fieldwork and the NEA at Edge Hill University – Tuesday 27 June, 10.00am-4.00pm Liverpool

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online at York St John University -
Tuesday 3 October, 10.00am-4.00pm, York

Teach with GIS – getting started with ArcGIS Online at Newcastle University -
Wednesday 25 October, 10.00am-4.00pm, Newcastle

Further regional events are planned in the autumn term 2023

The Geographical Association events: The GA Annual conference and Exhibition is being held at Sheffield Hallam University from Thursday 13 to Saturday 15 April 2023. Full details of the packed programme and booking details are on the website. Conference 2023 - Geographical Association (


The GA’s National Fieldwork Fortnight will be from Monday 26 June to Friday 7 July, with the theme ‘Environment’. The primary aim for 2023 is to encourage teachers and schools to return to organising fieldwork visits again after recent challenges.  Further information, ideas, resources and details of how to join in are on the website. National Fieldwork Fortnight - Geographical Association (


The Royal Meteorological Society is running an online Weather and Climate Careers Day on Saturday 17 June 2023, from 11:00 - 15:00. Aimed at GCSE and A level students, there will be short presentations from over 12 speakers showing the range of careers in weather and climate. RMetS Careers Day: Interested in a Career in Weather and Climate? | Royal Meteorological Society

Fascinated by GIS? Consider attending the ESRI annual conference on Tuesday 16 May. Registration is now open.  Registration - Esri UK Annual Conference | 16 May 2023

Discover the World’s next teacher fieldwork trip inspection visit to Iceland tasks place from 28 May to 2 June. Full details can be found on their website. Teacher Inspection Trips (


Geography resources

Natural Hazards: Rayburn Tours have free resources on Iceland for GCSE and A level students. Tours There are two units. Unit 1: Natural Hazards enables students to discover the power of volcanoes and their effects on the environment.

Unit 2: Energy Resources enables students to explore the renewable hydro and geothermal energy sources which provide nearly 85% of Iceland’s national grid energy needs.

These resourcefulness include case studies, activity sheets, classrooms posters and engaging PowerPoint presentations by Cath Rule. Teaching Resources | Rayburn Tours

 Volcanoes: Time for Geography have a new 8 minute video on the impact of volcanic eruptions aimed at GCSE and sixth form students. It looks at how we can learn from the ash deposits of past eruptions and help predict the future, focussing on the huge Mount Mazama ash cloud in North America 7600 years ago. Understanding the environmental impact of volcanic ash by studying past eruptions (

Earthquakes: The Geographical Association has published on its website a free resource for teaching about the Turkey-Syria earthquake in February 2023. Aimed at GCSE, it includes a PowerPoint with details on causes, effects, impacts and responses. The 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake | Geography Education Online

Coastal Management: A detailed information sheet on coastal management at Seaford in Sussex provides lots of ideas and images for a GCSE or A level case study including the risks from major storms, how the coastline has changed over time, the threat of rising sea levels and the role of nature based solutions and managed realignment in the future. The picture of how to design a future house to accommodate flooding is particularly interesting. 3805_Display Panels_final_June2014_LR.pdf (

The Environment Agency have posted an update on the Lower Otter Restoration Project in Devon which is helping the River otter and its flood plain adjust to high rainfall events and rising sea levels. Lower Otter Restoration Project gives flood-free access to local community - GOV.UK (

Rivers and Flooding: The Environment Agency is working in partnership on a major new scheme to reduce flood risk in Oxford which will be one of the largest in the country. The £176 million scheme will reduce flood risk to people, property and transport. The link below has details of the scheme and videos which include ideas applicable to other cities at risk from flooding such as creation of new wetland areas.  Oxford Flood Scheme - GOV.UK (

Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme - Welcome - Environment Agency - Citizen Space (

The Thames Valley Flood Scheme have a website and newsletter with many useful resources and images particularly relating to sustainable flood alleviation. They have produced a Project Update which includes images of flood alleviation measures of use to teachers and students newsletter.

Curious about Science? Glasgow Science centre has an interactive website with information, videos, talks and activities about environmental science including climate change. You can also sign up for updates about themed events. Envirotent – Curious About Our Planet (

Nature-based solutions: The Connecting the Culm project in Devon provides regular updates of interest to teachers about the River Culm catchment. They have produced a useful summary of the various nature based solutions that have been developed in the catchment to reduce flood risk and alleviate problems of droughts. A wrap-up of our nature-based solutions demonstration projects – Connecting the Culm

Geography reading for Easter: Discover the World have produced a fascinating list of books with geographical themes or stories, sorted by appropriate age groups. Great Geography Reads | Discover Education Blog (

Studying Biography? Are you looking at trees and woodland habitats are Key Stage ? The Woodland Trust have a range of resources and activities on their website including opportunities to order and plant your own trees.  Tree Tools for Schools – Woodland Trust

Geography News: 

Plesiosaur fossil goes on display at Charmouth:  The skeleton of a plesiosaur now called Raffle have gone on display at the Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre – Fine Foundation Education Centre in Dorset on the Jurassic Coast. The remains of the marine reptile were named Raffle after the dog who found one of the bones on Lyme Regis beach sixteen years ago. 70% of the skeleton is complete and it has been mounted in 3D after painstaking cleaning and scientific research. Jurassic bark? Raffle the dog’s rare fossil find goes on display in Dorset | Fossils | The Guardian


New cliff protection scheme for East Cliff Sidmouth announced: A major new coastal protection scheme to protect East Cliff at Sidmouth, Devon has been given the green light. East Cliff has been suffering from major rockfalls caused by coastal erosion for several years and the there is very little beach available to protect the base of the cliff. The new plan will provide protection for over 100 houses and 70 commercial properties at risk from flooding and coastal erosion. The scheme includes three areas of beach recharge including at the base of the eroding East Cliff. A 120 metre rock groyne will be built to prevent loss of beach material by longshore drift in storms, plus a new offshore breakwater to reduce the force of storm waves. The esplanade along the sea front will have removeable flood barriers and gate installed.8 March 2023 - Massive step forward for Sidmouth coastal protection announced - East Devon

Sidmouth cliff falls send clouds of dust into air - BBC News


Urban regeneration in Plymouth update:  The redevelopment of Plymouth’s historic waterfront and the renovation of former dockyard buildings such as the Royal William Yard continues. The latest addition to the award winning scheme will be the conversion of the Melville building into 40 luxury flats, and a large area of new commercial space. The developers Urban Splash have already created a vibrant commercial centre with independent businesses, cafes and recreation areas, and over 200 apartments. More details of this urban renewal programme can be found on their website. Royal William Yard | About

Urban Splash are also redeveloping the Grade II listed former Civic Centre building in the heart of Plymouth. The £10.5 million pound scheme will see the 15 storey building converted into a mix of office and commercial uses on the lower floors and 144 apartments on the upper floors. Plymouth: Work starts on multi-million pound civic centre revamp - BBC News

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