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New rail station to improve sustainable transport in Exeter region

A new station at Marsh Barton in Exeter is under construction to improve the transport connectivity of the area. The station is part of the Devon Metro rail strategy for Exeter and will be an important step in improving sustainable public transport. The new station is due to open at the end of 2022.

Marsh Barton in south-west Exeter is the city’s largest trading estate. There are over 500 businesses employing around 8000 people, covering an area of just over one square mile (three square kilometres). Marsh Barton includes one of Europe’s largest concentrations of car showrooms and dealers. Other businesses include building and construction, metal working, DIY, waste management and retailing.

Although the area is served by three bus routes, most workers currently use car transport, with a smaller number making use of local cycle routes. The new station will improve access for those travelling to work from places in the greater Exeter employment area like Newton Abbot, Dawlish, Teignmouth and Torbay to the west, and Exmouth and the new town of Cranbrook to the East and from the city itself.  Over 2500 houses are currently being built in the South West Exeter housing development near the Marsh Barton trading estate. The new station will increase the range of public transport services for local residents.

Marsh Barton Station information board

The new station is the latest improvement to sustainable transport provision in the Exeter region. Newcourt Station on the Exeter to Exmouth line and Cranbrook station on the Exeter to Waterloo line are busy new stations opened in 2015 serving large areas of new housing. The railway to Okehampton reopened in November 2021, and other stations such as St James Park have had their platforms extended to take longer trains.

The new Marsh Barton station is located alongside the Exeter Riverside Valley Park and the Exe Estuary Trail. It will increase access to these popular areas for recreation for walkers and cyclists. The Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital which is another major employment hub is accessible by walking and cycle paths from the new station.

Marsh Barton Station is located alongside the city’s Energy from Waste plant.

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