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Pint of Science online talks 2021

Watch online videos on topical geographical topics featuring current research projects delivered live by those doing the research. Pint of Science 2021 broadcast nearly 70 live online shows for free on their YouTube channel from 17-20 May 2021. These talks can now be watched on the Pint of Science YouTube channel.  Pint of Science UK - YouTube

Geography teachers and their students will find many topics of interest particularly in the Planet Earth section including talks relating to climate change, the Arctic, migration, sustainable development, managing waste and new sources of energy. Look out for Our Priceless Oceans on the 17 May Playlist, Electric Cars and Green Living and Migration in the Pacific  - Past and Present on 18 May, and Good (Earth) News everyone and Bogs, bugs and lab coats, featuring peat bog restoration on 20 May.

Pint of Science began in 2012 when two people shared their research in a pub, and it has grown astronomically since then. It is a grassroots non-profit organisation which aims to provide a space for researchers and members of the public to come together to hear about and discuss the latest research. The YouTube channel also features talks from previous years.

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