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Slapton Sands, Devon


Slapton Sands is a shingle beach located on the south Devon coast running between Strete in the north and Torcross in the south. Together with the beaches of Blackpool Sands, Beesands and Hallsands, it makes up Start Bay. The bay is in an exposed position and faces south-east, meaning the influence of incoming waves on sediment levels and transport is large. Offshore bars and headlands bend and channel waves, however the predominant trend is for waves to come from the south pushing sediment northwards.

At the southern end of the beach, the vilage of Torcross has seen its sea defences become ever more important as the beach has become narrow and steeper allowing waves to break further landwards. Further north, the road that runs along the top of the beach is being undercut and eroded by the retreating beach. In order to keep village habitable and road open, continual maintenance of the sea defences is needed.


Click the icon below to download the full case study, lavishly illustrated and written by the Plymouth Coastal Observatory.


This coastal case study is ideally suited for GCSE and A level.



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