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Dartmoor and Exmoor natural capital


Each year, National Park Authorities make tough decisions about how to deploy their limited resources and must balance their aims to enrich experiences for visitors, to boost the rural economy and to ensure the protection of the National Parks' special qualities.

Profs. Brett Day and Charles Tyler, together with Impact Fellows Dr Michela Faccioli and Sara Zonneveld from the University of Exeter, are working with Dartmoor and Exmoor National Park Authorities to develop new ways of maximising the Parks’ natural assets. These natural assets include landscapes, cultural heritage and wildlife.

This project aims to help the parks by providing evidence to inform those difficult decisions, maximising benefits and minimising the negative impacts.

Find out more about this collaborative project and read the various reports by clicking the link below.

About the Author

Profs. Brett Day and Charles Tyler, together with Impact Fellows Dr Michela Faccioli and Sara Zonneveld from the University of Exeter.


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