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Geothermal energy in Cornwall


Geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy that uses the natural heat within the earth to generate electricity or provide a low carbon heat source.

The use of geothermal resources in the UK has so far been very limited, with no completed developed of high temperature resources and only limited development of low and medium temperature resources. But its potential in the UK is enormous, thanks to the varied geology beneath our feet. In the north of England, they’re exploring the idea of using warm water from old coal mines to heat houses; in Southampton they use hot water from a borehole, drilled into a “deep sedimentary aquifer” to help heat the city as part of a district heating scheme, and in the south west the heat producing granites can be used to generate renewable power!

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in all aspects of geothermal energy in the UK. The most significant development has been the completion of the drilling phase of the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power (UDDGP) project in Cornwall. The production well which will bring hot water to the surface, was drilled to a depth of 5275m, making it the deepest borehole onshore in the UK! The Injection well was drilled to a shallower depth of 2393m and will be used to put the water back underground once the heat has been used to generate electricity.

GeoScience Ltd

We are delighted to be working with GeoScience Ltd, a geothermal consultancy based in Cornwall to increase the exposure to educational resources focusing on geothermal energy ( .

The latest UK geothermal country report (2020) can be downloaded below. Further resources are available on the GeoScience Ltd website at

GeoScience were involved with the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power project as a delivery partner until May 2020 and helped Geothermal Engineering Ltd to produce a series of educational animations for their outreach programme:


  • The first is aimed at primary school pupils and explains how fossil fuels were made and why we can’t make any more, as well as outlining different types of reusable power. This animation also includes the bespoke cartoon character Miss Molecule, who explains the process of geothermal in Cornwall.



  • The third animation is relatively new and is about natural and induced seismicity. This animation is suitable for all ages and is being used to help local communities around United Downs understand the difference between natural and induced seismicity.

About the Author


GeoScience Ltd


Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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