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Wicked Weather Watch – 14 Day Stay At Home Sustainability Challenge


Another great thing to do whilst we are in lockdown.

Wicked Weather Watch (WWW) has devised ‘The 14 Day Stay At Home Sustainability Challenge’.  This consists of fun, simple activities to do around the home that will certainly keep pupils of all ages entertained each day and help them to connect with nature and learn about the environment during this difficult time.

All the resources that pupils need, from the list of challenges to activity guides and suggestions, can be downloaded from Wicked Weather Watch (WWW)’s website:

For example, Day 3: My At Home Scavenger Hunt

Afterwards, encourage parents/carers and pupils together to tag Wicked Weather Watch (WWW) on Instagram (@wickedweatherwatch) to show them what they have been up to.



About the Author

Emma Espley


Our aim is to promote geography and geographical education in the South West of England. Geography SW is a collaborative project driven by a group of enthusiastic geographers who have volunteered their time to create a wide-ranging and dynamic resource to support the wider geographical community.

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