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Porlock Bay coastal management on-line resource

Porlock Bay coastal management on-line resource

Coastal Management in Porlock Bay is an online resource for geography enquiry work, developed for the Exmoor National Park Authority by David Weatherly with Ben Totterdell, supported by the Porlock Marsh Vision Group.  It is free to use and won the Geographical Association Silver Award at the 2019 GA conference.

The resource supports both independent and teacher led whole group learning looking at the coastal processes and geomorphology of Porlock Bay and the coastal management decisions that followed the breach of the shingle barrier in 1996. The resource is structured around a central enquiry question with ten supporting questions which provide a clear and logical route for students undertaking an enquiry process. The resource is very well illustrated with a selection of high-quality photos and video extracts. It is fully documented, with helpful links to other on-line resources such as flood management strategies, the National Trust and Natural England website pages and other coastal examples. These provide considerable scope for developing and extending the enquiry beyond Porlock and looking at other coastal management options.


The resource provides a route for students studying Porlock to develop their enquiry to evaluate different strategies and make informed decisions. It also provides a valuable model for geographers looking at coastal processes and management in other areas to see how an enquiry could be developed.

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